Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

The ladies walk down the grand staircase with poise. Small clinking of dinner dishes is heard as the servants prepare dinner, but all else pales in comparison to the dresses. Draped in black beading and flossing chiffon, made with delicate embellishments and elegant design, the ladies Grantham dress to kill… and it’s just dinner. For your next dinner party, match these Downton Abbey dinner dresses to your perfect character: are you Lady Mary or the vivacious Lady Sybil? We’ll let you decide.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Cora, The Countess of Grantham

The woman of the household, the Lady Countess Grantham herself, would have the very best for her Downton Abbey dinner dresses. The Nataya tea party gown in black is dramatic enough for the American-born lady while still demure and solid for a mother of English ladies.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Violet, The Dowager Countess of Grantham

The Dowager Violet wouldn’t be caught dead in something nontraditional. Take a truly Edwardian dowager blend of lace and embroidery that is packed with the decadence of the Victorian age and perfected with additional touches such as vintage silhouette necklaces and a high bun for effect. Downton Abbey dinner dresses wouldn’t be complete without this regal beauty.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Lady Mary

Lady Mary Crawley, although modern, understands the importance of proper dress. She is both styled and appropriate and would be comfortable in a black/coco blend Titanic dress made in traditional Downton Abbey dinner dresses style. Although small and slight herself, this style is ideal for many body types and is the archetype of dresses from this era.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Lady Edith

Lady Edith is a conundrum. Her fair hair and light coloring didn’t seem to help her apparent distaste for Lady Mary and her popular appeal. Edith would compliment her Downton Abbey dinner dresses to her fair complexion and choose something uniquely golden, such as the Nataya layered rose/gold gown. Dressed like a cherub, maybe we can forget her past transgressions.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Lady Sybil

Without giving anything away to those who are behind in the series, this dress would have been perfect for Lady Sybil before certain turn of events had conspired. Ever-modern and constantly looking for the newest styles, Downton Abbey dinner dresses would be fitted to her spontaneous and modern nature.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Isobel Crawley

Born not of high birth, the mother of the young Sir Crawley would make a grand attempt at grandeur for her Downton Abbey dinner dresses, but probably stay away from the dramatic and unpractical black. Black dinner dresses would not be useful for other occasions. This leaves Madam Isobel Crawley to choose a two-toned neutral dinner dress that was well-suited for various occasions.

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

Downton Abbey Dinner Dresses

“Coming down to dinner” used to be a grand affair. Wrapped in their finest, the ladies of this era would make the wardrobe change early in the afternoon and take definite time and effort with their hair and jewelry placement. For those perfect Downton Abbey dinner dresses, choose which character best suits you and take Edwardian fine style to your next wedding, dinner party or formal affair.

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